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Social Media Authentication

Flute integrates social media authentication using the HybridAuth library, providing support for multiple platforms. To add authentication via a specific social media platform, you need to choose the corresponding driver and fill in the required data.

Setting up Authentication with Discord

  1. Creating or Configuring a Discord Application:

    Creating a Discord Application

  2. Configuring OAuth2:

    Example Redirect URI



    Replace with your domain.

    Depending on the authorization method, the last part of the URI will change, e.g. Steam, Yandex, etc.

    The URI must be strictly case-matched! Discord is not discord, etc.

  3. Obtaining Client ID and Client Secret:

    • Copy the Client ID and Client Secret from the respective fields.

    Client ID and Client Secret

  4. Entering Data into Flute:

    • Enter the copied data in the Flute driver settings. Be careful not to mix up the id and secret.

    Flute Driver Configuration

Adding Social Media Icons

The default Flute template allows adding custom icons for each social media platform. You can use icons from phosphoricons or embed SVG icons directly. Example with Discord:

Using Phosphor icons:

<i class="ph ph-discord-logo"></i>

Embedding SVG:
